Silverton Engagement Photos: Ashley + James

Take us back to this magical day! We had such a fantastic time with Ashley and James for their engagement session in Silverton. I just told them to trust me and we lead them up a path to an alpine basin and lake that literally took all of our breath away. We saw Ashley waving her arms around and jumping up and down in her seat as they followed behind us in their Jeep, “Honey Badger”. We kept saying that we wished we had walkie-talkies to hear their excitement!

We may have cried a little at the beauty when location scouting earlier that day. The clouds seemed to breath in and out over the peaks. The rain circled us and there was not a soul around besides me and my assistant. Heaven on Earth. Colorado will never get old to me.

Cant wait for the wedding in Ouray!

Durango Colorado Photographers Blog - Alexi Hubbell Photography